
Official Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt

I am shocked and absolutely bewildered that this is true. You’re telling me cities with a million people with high incomes who work all types of jobs do more for the economy than small towns of a couple of thousand people who can’t farm profitably unless the government lives in California. We’re the 6th largest economy on the planet. We routinely put in more to the federal government than we get back. Our reward? The Mango Dipshit snarking at us about “raking the forests” on federal land that he is in charge of, and leech-ass red states giving their mentally ill homeless one-way bus tickets here as a discharge plan.

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The vast majority of cities in the country are run by Democrats and for good reason. It’s hard to remain conservative when you actually interact with and rely on a diverse group of people every day, and it makes you appreciate the role of government services. But seriously, where are all these great republican led cities in the US that are showing some shining alternative path? Fucking duh. California alone props the entire country’s GDP way above where it should be. Most of this country is a redneck shithole, where we sell each other burgers and gas.

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