
Good People Who Tolerate Me On A Daily Basis They’re The Real Heroes Shirt

There are some preliminary studies showing that there are potential long term lung and heart changes/complications that can worsen lung and heart function. I’ve already seen a few patients 45 years and younger without comorbidities (like diabetes, obesity, etc…) who are having shortness of breath and difficulties doing every day tasks like folding their laundry or going to the grocery store.

Buy it:  Good People Who Tolerate Me On A Daily Basis They’re The Real Heroes Shirt

Awesome People Who Tolerate Me On A Daily Basis They’re The Real Heroes Shirt - Design By

I’m disabled. I hurt my back 12 years ago in the military and it’s only gotten worse year by year. This January I had L5-S1 spinal fusion to try and help it since we were out of options and I couldn’t bear it anymore… It helped one of my worst pains but added a bunch more on top now.


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