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Snookie isn’t Italian(Chilean Born American actress famous for an American show), meatballs are an “Americana” as De Luca put it, and pedo priests are a Catholic phenomenon. Talk to me when your three things about Italy are more Italian than American. And do not get me started about Italian culture. Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo, Raffaello, Bernini, several other inventors, writers, painters, ecc., Art, Food, Roman Empire, Science. We invented roads and aqueducts when your ancestors were non-existent. Meucci invented the phone.
We, together with several other countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, made the history of the world, that, in normal Countries, you can study at school.

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We have buildings and piazze that are 10 times older than your whole Country.
And, finally, on a less cultural note, we can dress, we know how to eat and we wash our bum. I hate the fact that “American” has become some sort of insult. Yes, Halloween is an American tradition and it’s something that a lot of people really value, just because it’s “American” doesn’t mean that it’s not a valuable part of our culture. I understand that in some regions “Halloween” = parties, but his imposing a curfew doesn’t stop parties

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