
Pretty Loubutlegal Pride Passion Racing DNA Shirt

That being said… when I see schools that schools take money from EDUCATION to go towards athletics, it makes my blood boil. Especially in the case where the money spent could in no way be framed as a good investment. This “stir the soup with my good hand” looking dude clearly was not spending a lot of time in the bleachers, what a shady thing to do. When you donate to a non-profit you can mark what the funds are for. His estate probably donated them as unrestricted funds to be used however they wanted.

Buy it: Pretty Loubutlegal Pride Passion Racing DNA Shirt

Awesome Loubutlegal Pride Passion Racing DNA Shirt - Design By

I was a student when this happened. The school sent out an email that he “loved watching UNH football in his later years”. The entire student body was absolutely furious & knew it was bullshit. Also, they spent like $14k+ on a light-up table for our dining hall with silverware screwed into the supports that literally nobody wanted to sit at because it was so visually obnoxious. UNH is pretty great at wasting money on things nobody wants…

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