
Perfect If My Patriotism Offends You Proud American Veteran Gift Shirt

The global elite’s pedo ring gets completely exposed by anonymous and they all get sent to jail, several big movies are stopped, entire companies fall some corrupt world leaders are hospitalized due to a virus spread at a meeting, due to the change in leadership, hong kong becomes its own country without China’s interference, and more things along those lines happenCancer is cured, along with many other sicknesses due to a breakthrough in our understanding of the cells in our body, radiation, and the bacteria in our body (ouch, right after that virus hit those corrupt world leaders)

Buy it: Perfect If My Patriotism Offends You Proud American Veteran Gift Shirt

Hot If My Patriotism Offends You Proud American Veteran Gift Shirt- Design By

With fewer funds being spent on random bullshit, more money goes to making the earth green, the cleanup of the seas starts, fracking is made illegal, electric car companies get gov support (not Elon musk tho, fuck that guy), and solar panels start getting put on all homes re-evaluate drugs plan comes to America (I’m using America for my example both because I know it best, weed becomes legal for medical and recreational use, cigarettes become a prescription-only drug that is slowly wiped out of the market (to avoid 1920’s style mafia but for cigs instead of beer).

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