
Official Surf City Trump Boat Parade Shirt

The problem with representation is there’s a gap between the quality of representation and availability of it. If you can’t afford one, you can get one–that’s drastically overworked and may only have glanced at your case minutes before you meet them. Also, law enforcement has a history of using deliberately misleading statements to trick those under suspicion to give more information up.

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Official Surf City Trump Boat Parade Shirt

I went to school with her, she was just a fun-loving person. She was always sweet and caring. The police thought she took the money and ran. Instead of a search party for a possible victim, they treated her like a fugitive. They went as far as having detectives harasser parents for her whereabouts. Yeah, and just in case people thought, oh she must have been a dealer or something, this is what she was charged for:

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