
Nice No Love No Tacos Classic Shirt

That’s probably exactly why she’s being such a pain. I’m guessing it was the neighbors who were interviewed who reported her too tall fence in the first place. Probably because it’s not as obvious and eye-catching. Plus they’re trying to get to a commercial as fast as possible so they can get paid. I wonder if they called the carpenters back and were like ‘we need you to cut the top off the fence and we need you to do it as shitty as possible. Don’t ask questions.’

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My parents did something similar! There was a huge bush on our corner property for literally 70 years that nobody complained about. Some new Karen moved in and claimed it blocked her view of the intersection (it did not – if you come to a complete stop at the stop sign, you are past the bush and can see perfectly fine – it does prevent people from blowing the stop sign though, which they like to do a lot.

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