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I never understood why climate change was politicized to this degree. The whole liberals vs. conservatives on this issue always seemed extremely nonsensical. It’s only further driving a wedge between people.No matter which side you are on, it’s painfully obvious that we are collectively harming the planet. The least effort individually it would take to counteract this process is to consume less. Do we really need to buy this much cheap Chinese junk people who deny climate change are always making the argument that climate activists are hypocrites because they travel by cars, wear clothing with plastics in them, use electronics made from toxic chemicals blah blah blah., etc? I see corporatism and consumerism as the most dangerous threat to our planet.

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For example, a Syrian refugee was retelling how when Isis went to his village, a young soldier threatened to arrest him for buying toothbrushes because Prophet Muhammad didn’t have toothbrushes back then. The ISIS soldier said it while traveling a pick-up truck, with an and listening to an iPod. That’s Hypocrisy. One of the more commonly accepted interpretations of the Bible is that we’re stewards of the Earth, meaning it’s our job to take care of it, protect it, and shape it to be healthy. I’m not that big on theology but this is at least how it’s been described to me by someone who’s studied the topic in depth.

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