
Unicorn Free Hugs Just Kidding Don’t Touch Me Shirt

Know of a couple of sort of like that. Very shallow people, he let on very early on that appearance is everything. Had to always wear the nicest clothes, styled hair, etc. She was much the same. Now I’d never fault anyone for their tastes, I mean I like to look nice too, etc. But when you start criticizing people not only behind their back but also to their face about how they “look to other people” it turns into just being so far up your own ass you can’t even see your own.

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Unicorn Free Hugs Just Kidding Don't Touch Me Shirt

I had a couple live with me for a while and all they do is scream and yell at each other and she even tells him she hates him all the time. When I confronted them about it they said their therapist says that arguing is normal and healthy. And I’m thinking “you obviously haven’t heard these two argue” I can’t imagine being in a relationship knowing full well the next day I will just be in a constant argument with my SO.

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