
Trump Leaders Lead And Joe Biden Conwards Kneel Shirt

I am from California and people are already saying shit like this. The crazy thing is that even when I tell them stuff like it used to snow in LA with some small degree of regularity they tell me I am stupid and don’t know anything. These are like people who literally just moved from like St. Louis. My family has been in California for over 100 years. Nowadays it doesn’t snow, my part of Sweden has only had one winter season in the last 3 years. The other years we only have a 6-month long fall, until spring arrives.

Buy it: Trump Leaders Lead And Joe Biden Conwards Kneel Shirt

Trump Leaders Lead And Joe Biden Conwards Kneel Hoodie

I also want to draw attention to just how crazy the late winter/early spring weather patterns have been. In the last decade, I’ve noticed a few years with the following pattern: periods of intense snow, followed by rapid warming after the storms pass. The ground is still frozen though so all the melted snow causes floods.

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