
Teacher Strong Quaranteach COVID 19 Shirt

QAnon is a conspiracy theorist who has caught the eye of President Trump, which has caused the conspiracy theories to be legitimized among Trump’s most die-hard supporters. The conspiracy theories say there is an Illuminati-like shadow government controlling us that is run by satanic pedophile cannibals and that Donald Trump is the only thing standing in their way. It was long-believed that QAnon was a government insider, possibly even someone within Trump’s inner circle (such as Kelly Anne Conway). There are a handful of political candidates that have openly stated that they are QAnon supporters.

Teacher Strong Quaranteach COVID 19 Shirt

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The original posts were like straight-up green text posts on 4chan. The first couple were probably from the first guy and was obviously just satirical conspiracy trollage but was entertaining and well written. After that, it’s been just random trolls. I remember reading some of the Q shit when it first happened. He wrote in cryptic poems with metaphors that read like a Game of Thrones prophecy that rhymed and shit. He got tons of replies and people fed off of the theories.








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