
Great Ain’t Jemima Artificial Coloring Shirt

It was. There was a Great Ain’t Jemima Artificial Coloring Shirt trend in the late 70s early 80’s to carpet every room in the house. Bathrooms and kitchens included. In that house, we had this commercial-grade, low pile carpet in both, and a tan/off white shag carpet in the rest of the house. They were never clean. Horrible choice, but maybe more violin. My aunt had a bathroom carpet in one bathroom, and a wall-to-wall almost-shag rug in the other because “the hard floor is too cold!” My dad had this stupid joke with the sets, called em kool-aid kids he would fill them up and then say Mrs. Kool-Aid must’ve been naughty when the “kids” changed colors. I mean there was a specific kool-aid one that went with this set. I think it had the kool-aid face cut out of the spoon itself.

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Great Ain’t Jemima Artificial Coloring Hoodie

See more: Girlt-shirt – Trending Shirt