
Premium Skeleton Just Fckn Send It T-Shirt

A lifelong friend of mine sometimes sends me, let’s not point fingers at sides, and just say highly politically charged videos. I’m like man, stop.. you’re going to shit up my super happy I don’t watch political crap youtube page!! He had no clue what I was talking about until we traded front page screenshots. His was just all 24h news clips and random angst-driven stuff. Then mine is all happy crap like rebuilding cars, some grandpa showing carpentry tricks, turtles, dogs, movie trailers, new PC hardware, and games.

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Skeleton Just Fckn Send It T-Shirt

I have to think that way because the other option…they knew…well shit that’s horrible. They knew it would radicalize and divide people. Knew that it would breed anger and resentment, but as long as they got their AD revenue they didn’t care. Once I quit social media it actually scared me when I’d look around in public. Everyone’s looking down. My wife checks her phone during commercial breaks, so does my mother.

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