
Premium Mama Claus Jolly As A Mother Santa Claus Christmas Shirt

I went to college in upstate NY and a rich girl from Texas I knew didn’t want to walk in the snow all winter so she asked me with a straight face if she could just buy us snowmobiles to ride around campus. She also totaled three new luxury vehicles in the two years I knew her and her dad just kept replacing them. Really nice kid but also weirdly ignorant and super entitled.

Mama Claus Jolly As A Mother Santa Claus Christmas Shirt- Design By

Funny Mama Claus Jolly As A Mother Santa Claus Christmas Shirt


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Humans are not well adapted for post-starvation, I don’t know if it is learned/cognitive or instinctive/inborn. Happiness is very hard to maintain, anyone who says “give me a million dollar and I will be happy” don’t know about happiness at all. Will your stress be lessened by having not to worry about money, sure, but I do not believe it will inherently make you happy, or not for long at least.

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