
Perfect All I Care About Is My Shih Tzu And Like Maybe 3 People Shirt

I hope you get to see them soon. I haven’t seen mine since Dec 2019 and this week I had to say goodbye to my nana over FaceTime (non-COVID related, old age). She and my poppa have been holed up in their small apartment for the last year. She passed not having been able to spend time and hug her family for the last year of her life. It breaks my heart; for her and all the other people who are in the same position. Now I get to attend her funeral sitting alone in my tiny apartment thousands of miles away, isolated from the only people I want to (and need to) be near right now.

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I was in NYC the day before the shit hit the fan and had planned to see my mother and sister the following week on a trip to Arizona so didn’t make the trip to see my mom and sis but met my dad outside of NYC for a quick lunch. Sis and mom were already on vacation in Arizona. Came back here to cdmx and the US basically locked down the next few days and my flight to Arizona got canceled. Been being responsible here in Mexico City for a year but it’s just so so motivating sapping to see.

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