
Original The Stable Throwin’S 98 Since 98 Shirt

Yes, I agree that we should use tax dollars to advance the tech behind alternative energy sources because innovation in general will help the world. That doesn’t mean forcing people to pay taxes in order to replace all the gas cars will electric cars, even if they don’t want electric cars, because that is not fair. I plan to go to a public college, but I don’t want people who don’t go to college to be forced to pay for OUR decision to go to college, as that is not fair to them.

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No, this is not equivalent. You were talking about how unfair it is that your tax dollars go towards things like this. Your examples were about personal choice, not about helping others. Acknowledging unfairness does not mean we should be selfish, and the fact that life isn’t fair is exactly why we have equitable policies.No, I’m evaluating the things you say and am pointing out your lack of education, experience, and intelligence is leading you to half baked conclusions.

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