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Original Not A Dictator Biden Harris Democrat Anti Trump 2021 Shirt

One of the most nefarious tactics pushed by people with an anti-environmentalist interest is that it’s all up to individual consumers to make a change. Don’t like global warming? Stop driving, eat less meat, etc, just don’t get the government involved. When really the only viable option is sweeping reform at national levels to change the entire way we source energy’s literally impossible to live sustainably today without nuclear. Unless you plan on living like a rural Indian.Except it’s not dangerous at all if they’re built correctly. Yes, it’s time-consuming and expensive but that’s because we’re trying to avoid another Chernobyl.

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And what else is expensive? Climate change. I hate how when it comes to any topic that isn’t nuclear power, activists will say no cost is too great. But once nuclear is on the table, suddenly costs matter. If socialized nuclear prevent climate change, then let’s do that. And I also like how the argument has recently shifted to ‘not enough time’ implying that two things can’t be done at once and that once that time frame passes they won’t still be saying the same thing. It should be noted that Nuclear is often brought up as a perfect option for a consumption problem. There will HAVE to be sacrificed, even with nuclear power. There is no solution that involves giving up no conveniences. Be ready for that, start now.

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