
Official Donald Trump Coronavirus T-Shirt

Yeah, you can find the video if you look for it. I wouldn’t call it a massive dildo but def big enough that he obv prepped for it and worked his way up.  Since this is gaining some traction I just want to point out, liking butt stuff isn’t worthy of ridicule. If you like butt stuff and you’re a dude of any sexual orientation that’s totally cool. Being a far-right dickwad and pretending you’re only doing it to own the libs would make you a big loser tho. Same shit with Falwell. No kink shame only stupid hypocrisy.

Buy it: Official Donald Trump Coronavirus T-Shirt

Official Donald Trump Coronavirus T-Shirt

When your body shames a fascist, you’re also body-shaming every comrade who has that same body type. Let’s focus less on how their shirts fit and more on how their rampant misogyny, racism, and xenophobia are forcing companies to change their product road maps.

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