
Official Bluey Dad Shirt

That’s actually not bad. Because if Trump DID allow it, it wouldn’t accomplish anything except to further entrench his supporters against media. But having Trump disallow fact-checking isn’t a good look for anyone who hasn’t yet made up their mind (do these people exist? If so, how god damned ignorant of the world do you have to be to not already have picked a side?).

Official Bluey Dad Shirt

Undecideds are down a lot from 2016, but those ~10% of those who haven’t chosen yet are mostly moderate Republicans looking for any possible excuse to vote for Trump. It’s why I don’t trust polls as good news even with 7-8% spreads if they don’t also have more than 50% for Biden. Even if they did, it wouldn’t matter. Everything that doesn’t agree with Trump is fake news deep state communist conspiracy anyway.

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