
Notorious ACB Amy Coney Barrett Shirt

My ex-in-laws are fundamentalist Republicans who use their political clout to push the “Christian” agenda. Back when they were still my in-laws I was always curious as to where they were getting this line of thinking, because I knew it wasn’t coming from the church they were attending. I looked through their bookshelf. Found a book about how they were obligated with pushing their own “moral”. I agenda upon society before “godless heathens pushed theirs upon you and your children” (won’t someone think of the children?!).

Buy it: Notorious ACB Amy Coney Barrett Shirt 

Notorious ACB Amy Coney Barrett Shirt

So yeah, it was all a ‘we need to preemptively force our laws before someone else forces their laws on us’ kind of thing going on. That helped me to understand where they were coming from and why they keep crying about ‘the war on Christmas’ and all that nonsense every year.

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