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Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, etc. Stopped following them in late 2017 after several years. I didn’t like the turn to more Trumpiness but I was mostly entertained. I became a more religious Catholic and realized that it really wasn’t good for me. Outrage, owning the libs, and “drinking liberal tears” aren’t virtues. Michelle Phan. I used to watch her videos literally anytime I was on a computer, and I have to give her credit for teaching me a huge chunk of what I know about makeup. However, I noticed after she started living part-time in both LA and New York for her Ipsy thing, she started.

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 The editing style also changed drastically, and I just wasn’t into it. I then started to notice her makeup looks didn’t seem planned – what I noticed specifically was that she would put down colors on her lids only to cover it up completely with a different color. She’s done her fair share of deceiving stuff, but I think the thing that really got to me was a video clip of her undeniably blotting her face with a tissue while applying makeup to a model, and then using the same tissue to blot the model’s face. Soon after this, I discovered Guru Gossiper, and while I have a love-hate relationship with gossip-type forums, there was a lot of eye-opening stuff about Michelle on there.

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