
Nice RIP King Won Shirt

I worked for an oil and gas company in Northern Canada as well for a few years (just got out this year, still up north though). Honestly never encountered too many animals. The creepiest parts for me were driving down the hundreds of kilometers of lease roads, in the dead of winter, by myself, with no cell service, bad directions, and a faulty road radio. Could be peaceful and serene at a new snowfall with a cleared up sky, maybe even the northern lights. But fuck is it creepy to be that far out of civilization by yourself.

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Long story short, was hiking up a creek in a really dry, open, and mostly grassy area with a little bit of vegetation along the banks, and we came across this lovely glade with lots of trees and shade and it was gorgeous and like 90 degrees in there instead of >100. As we came back out into the 105-degree open area on the far side of it, there was a big. wet. cat print on a rock.

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