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But that said, I feel like if they were to remake Jurassic Park, they would have to wait a while in order for it to have a big impact and seem fresh. Kinda like how The Thing From Outer space came out in the 50s, but then John Carpenter’s The Thing came out 30 years later and blew audiences away. Granted, it will be hard for Jurassic Park to seem fresh as it’s one of the greatest movies of all time and the more

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Is it just me that just want a full-length R-rated dinosaur movie like the first minutes of the Fallen Kingdom with the crew & T-rex? The opening of that movie was really.. really good (minus that stupid oversized mosasaurs jumping) and raised my expectations a lot watching it in the cinema. It had that scary dark vibe but sadly, it quickly turned back into that Hollywood cash grab quality again.

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