
Nice Buffalo Bills Shot Dead Logo Shirt

I would probably be born with the most shocked face a newborn could muster, but when I finally get the ability to laugh and smile, I’d be the jolliest baby. This would be the best gift ever, and I’m sure as heck not going to waste my second chance in righting my wrongs. Of course, it would be a long wait until I was cognitively strong enough to process all my memories and act on them.

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Same honestly. It would be neat and all to make investments, do better in school, get an earlier start on my career, etc. But for all intents and purposes, I’m very happy now, and all of the circumstances that lead to this may not happen with some prior knowledge of what’s to come. I’d know all of these things about my girlfriend but she’d have to learn who I am all over again. You can’t fake that bond. Would it come about as organically? I think it almost certainly wouldn’t. It may ruin things, in fact, and that’s if I even actually met her.

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