
Buckle Up Butiercup You Just Flipped My Witch Switch Shirt

I got a job in sales that required me to give presentations in front of people. After my first solo presentation, the customer actually told me how shitty I was and how I would never make a good salesman. I went back to my car and threw up. Now I give presentations multiple times a day, and I’m so used to it that I can devote most of my attention to gauging audience reaction, allowing me to adjust the pitch and emphasize or deemphasize different topics based on their interest.

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Buckle Up Butiercup You Just Flipped My Witch Switch Shirt

Embrace the power of the pause. When asking someone a question, allow the silent pause after the question of building tension that compels them to answer. The longer the silence, the more compelling the tension the more effective to get someone talking. Yup one of my coworkers is probably the worst about this. Except they can’t even remember three questions back, one of you is lucky. They don’t actually listen to your response but are instead formulating.

See more: Valleytee – Trending Shirt

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