
I’m Not The Step Father I’m The Father That Stepped Up Shirt

And the PGP public key if you want to coordinate with them using encrypted messages. They also list the Tor network the use for national coordination and funding. Antifa may not have a central leader, but they have an effective lateral organization. Organizations do not have to be structured vertically, they just need to be able to form ad hoc committees of the leaders to share strategies and funding.

Buy it: I’m Not The Step Father I’m The Father That Stepped Up Shirt 

I’m Not The Step Father I’m The Father That Stepped Up Shirt

They’ll probably go on and say “Ahh, but what we really meant is that Wray is only pretending to not call Antifa a terrorist organization. His message was a symbol for us to decode for its true meaning” or “He’s been fed adrenochrome and is now a part of the cabal” etc etc. QAnon is relentless with making sure they’re right and any evidence.

See more: Pondertee – Trending Shirt

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