
Good Naughty Nice Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself Shirt


As somebody living here in UAE, none of these laws were ever really enforced to begin with. My life here is not all that different from the states honestly. It’s like how some states in the US still have sodomy and adultery laws, but nobody actually pays attention. I think in Pittsburgh in the 2000s there was a law where 5 or 6 unrelated women couldn’t live in the same house because back in olden times that could have only been a whorehouse. Same thing here. Nobody was actually having any issues cohabitating with whomever they wanted.

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Awesome Naughty Nice Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself Shirt
But is that true for local women who are poor or in conservative families? I’m guessing some customs would not be enforced for white expats living there (and therefore not noticed), but might still be enforced in certain conservative families, such that changing the law might provide legal protection now for those women. I’m American, I’m just curious.

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