
Good Biden 46 Elected Celebrate Joe Biden 46th President 2020 Shirt

I’ve never been more glad to have walked away from the Republican party, but nothing in my life brings me more shame than knowing the harm that I probably caused by voting straight Republican for all those years. I’m sorry. Well, they stacked the court before the bloodbath coming next week, so that’s all that really matters. American Citizens don’t matter to these people.

Buy it:  Good Biden 46 Elected Celebrate Joe Biden 46th President 2020 Shirt

Awesome Biden 46 Elected Celebrate Joe Biden 46th President 2020 Shirt- Design By

This will fit right in with Trump’s “if you elect Joe Biden, he’ll raise your taxes and destroy the economy” rhetoric he’s been spewing at debates and interviews for the last month or two. No relief for struggling people with no job prospects and an economy shut down because of a pandemic that he’s also worked really hard to convince half the country is a hoax. What do you think people on Team Red?

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