
Gay Pride Supports Bernie Sanders 2020 Fun Gift Shirt

Turns out, the reporter overhead Jaworski repeating the phrase to himself followed by, “I’ve got to sell this” or something along those lines. Unless they commit a crime I don’t believe someone should be “canceled” and even then they can have a chance at redemption. If u want the show to be canceled, don’t watch his show and if enough people do it then maybe they will cancel it.

Buy it: Gay Pride Supports Bernie Sanders 2020 Fun Gift Shirt

Gay Pride Supports Bernie Sanders 2020 Fun Gift Shirt

What’s so hard about saying “my bad, I made a mistake ” nowadays? It’s like the go-to answer lately is “I’m sorry you’re offended” or just straight-up refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing or worst of all, shifting the blame to the victim.

See more: Valleytee-Trending Shirt

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