
Bojack Horseman 06th Anniversary 2014 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

You do have a party at the Democratic party. It is a big tent party, from conservatives to progressives. No one who is intelligent and rational will find a company in the Republican party. What we need is the Democratic party to split into a right-leaning party, and a left-leaning party and the GOP can go backflip onto a landmine.

Buy it: Bojack Horseman 06th Anniversary 2014 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

Strong foreign policy? This was arguably Hillary’s greatest strength, and why Putin was rightly scared shitless of her candidacy. Obama got bin Laden and forged a multi-national nuclear arms control deal with Iran. Trump almost started a war with Syria, almost started a war with Iran, alienated our allies, and kissed up to Putin so hard that it’s possible Putin now spits with Trump’s saliva.

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