
Blue’s Clues & You Josh Portrait Premium T-Shirt

As an Englishman I would have sat at short side leg wicket after afternoon tea, dreaming of empire in a black cab home to the cottage in the hills and decided. Ahhh this chap should have not asked my future rose petal for images of her rose petal. Discussed it in length over brandy at the golf club and agreed to not cross paths again understanding we all do things when we tug on the jolly purple helmet.

Buy it: Blue’s Clues & You Josh Portrait Premium T-Shirt 

Blue’s Clues & You Josh Portrait Premium T-Shirt

This was not a normal beat down, this dude lost touch of reality for a few seconds… this shit was scary to watch, he really needs to see a therapist because he has some underlying issues… no sane person reacts that way, even if their friend did try and get nudes from their girl. Great judgment to commit felony assault over trivial shit like that.

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