
Black Cat I’m A Bookaholic And I Regret Nothing Shirt

It’s easy enough to create a rationalization. She could be a firmly Biden voter, but then she has the chance to ask Trump a question, and now she will decide who to vote for depending on the answer to that question. Chances are Trump won’t sway her, but until she has a resolution to her question, she could argue she’s undecided. That window of time might have been only a few minutes, but for those few minutes, she was undecided and could theoretically be swayed.

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Black Cat I’m A Bookaholic And I Regret Nothing Shirt

Like, if it turned out Biden was controlled by lizard aliens I might become undecided for a few minutes, depending on how the lizard aliens answered my questions. If I was not satisfied, I would vote for the third party. Yep. How the hell else are you going to get any people of color in that town hall? I say damn good on her for realizing how to play that card, and how she’s now leveraging it to real effect as well.

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