
Black Cat I Like The Sound You Make When You Shut Up Vintage Retro Shirt

Racism is an ideology, Muslim extremism is an ideology. There’s a ton of ideology that can be powerful good or bad. If anything an ideology is worse than an organization. Organizations can be taken apart. Ideas can’t be destroyed. I believe there’s a great V for vendetta speech about that. Antifa is textbook doublespeak. This sub is so damn gullible. People within Antifa will use violence to perpetuate their message, all you have to do is ask the members of Antifa what they represent. You will get anarchist, socialist, communist & people who just hate Trump.


Buy it: Black Cat I Like The Sound You Make When You Shut Up Vintage Retro Shirt

Black Cat I Like The Sound You Make When You Shut Up Vintage Retro Shirt

Lmao. The number of people on this thread agreeing with Antifa’s tactics. There’s a big difference between being against Nazis (which I think every rational person is) and being a domestic violence threat that just wants to cause chaos. It’s almost like people didn’t read this article? The way how Antifa gets sold as a crazy radical terrorist organisation is unreal. And ppl believe it.

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