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The obvious follow on here is that the governance of Mars is still a legal gray area, and that needs to be updated by an international (Earth) treaty. Things will be different decades hence when a self-sufficient Mars colony wants to secede from these arrangements. Then I suspect things will be more like Scotland Vs The UK, or Catalonia Vs Spain. But that is many years away for a Mars colony. Good luck enforcing “international law” from 46M miles away. Honestly, I hope we start a better law of governing on new planets. Our international legal system is far from perfect.

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A quick note: we don’t follow British law here in the states. Colonies have a history of having different needs and concerns than their homeland. If that gap gets big enough, the remote power will struggle to exert its influence in the colony, and the people who are actually there are going to have to decide whether to enforce the laws they left behind or embrace ones that are built by and for themselves. Frankly, saying that people on Earth should be dictating law to people who will ultimately be born and raised on another planet is somewhere between laughable and tyrannical.

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