
Awesome Imposter Troopers Among Us Shirt

I also had my flag desecrated by Trump-supporting neighbors because I “didn’t deserve to fly the flag with traitor Biden signs up.” So…I have had to put up a multi-thousand dollar surveillance system I couldn’t afford this year because of vandalism, theft, and animal abuse from those cult members. (One killed my dog by breaking her back) so I had no choice. We are rural MD and police are also on their side, if not participating in it themselves. (As in, near a major historical battlefield and every other neighbor has Lee in their name somewhere these Republicans are terrorists and disgusting humans that are draining us all.

Buy it: Awesome Imposter Troopers Among Us Shirt

Imposter Troopers Among Us Shirt - Design by

I put my flag out on flag holidays. I also don’t display a ripped/tattered flag, nor leave it out in the rain, nor attach my business card to ratty little flags and stick them all around the neighborhood to promote my business. Why does everyone need flags flying outside their homes, flag pins, flag shirts, flag TP, etc? Do you realize how much care is needed to properly fly a flag? Hint – your tattered-ass soot-stained Old Glory dragging in your pick-me-up bed is about 6 months past proper disposal. Which is – no shit – burning. That said, my Dad, full career armed forces retiree, properly flies a flag at his front door along with his Biden lawn signs.

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